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Trail Runs - Habanero Falls - NM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Visitors: 101577
15 Photos         2 Videos

HABANERO FALLS enjoys spectacular views of the Mesilla Valley and visibility can range over 50 miles on a clear day! If you happen to finish a bit early (before 3 pm) on this trail, you may be able to walk down into some of the other extreme trails and watch the participants. After a rather hard start down into the bottom of the Chile Canyons, you slowly begin to climb your way out. The climax of the trail is six, yes six, consecutive waterfalls. Winching is often required, but with good clearance and a little luck, you may be able to climb each without assistance. Be ready to take a dive into the Jacuzzi on this trail! - LCFWDC

Habanero Falls - NM - Jack climbing out of the Jacuzzi obstacle

This is a huge hold that usually gets full of water. It was dry when we ran the trail.

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Shawn crawling the last obstacle on Habanero Falls Jack climbing out of the Jacuzzi obstacle George crawling his way up the last obstacle

Habanero Falls Extreme Rock Crawling Part 1
Size: 3 min
Part one shows some of the six consecutive ledges this trail is famous for.

Habanero Falls Extreme Rock Crawling Part 2
Size: 4 min
Part two features the last obstacle on Habanero Falls. The easy line seemed to be the left line. Greg our trail leader did this last obstacle the first try in his Chevy LUV. Too bad I didn't get there in time to get it all on video. Everyone else made it up this one using the left line. Way to go guys!!

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