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Trail Runs - Carnage Canyon
Friday, January 21, 2005
Visitors: 21331
45 Photos         1 Videos

Zach and I had some serious fun up there today. Did the guardian rocks finally and another obstacle just past the slab. I finally broke a birfield doing it too!! Chromoly Birfields are on order this week. I sure need em with these 40's :)

Carnage Canyon - Stuffin those 40's

We were doing all sorts of crazy lines up at carnage. And it was the only time I could really see how much more I need to trim to stuff these 40's.

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Stuffin those 40's Rock Ramp Over the top

Carnage Canyon - Guardian Rocks
Guardian Rocks
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Finally I made it over guardian rocks. Any vehicle with long wheelbase has a difficult time on this first obstacle at carnage canyon. I told my self I better get over it...especially with 40's!!! If you listen you can hear my worn birfs clicking real bad. Later in the day these birfs were gone :)

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